Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Good Moment: Round 1

You may or may not remember my mentioning of a blossoming project called The Good Moment way back in this post (unfortunately the Crucifixland mystery still has yet to be solved- C'mon people! I thought you were all bigger Nancy Drews than you really are). Anyway, now that the US postal system has worked its magic and delivered the introductory stage of the project, I can tell you in full what all this nonsense is about.

The Good Moment is basically a weird version of a fictional penpal network, in which people will find pictures taken by strangers, write a note on the back of the image as one of the people in the snapshot/somebody who has something to do with the photo, and finally mail the picture to another person in The Good Moment mailing network. Those notes and pictures will be scanned in and documented on this website, and if things progress nicely, hopefully its own website in the future. Here are the scans of what was sent out in the introductory round:

1: The Invitation/Rulebook

2: Denise's Safari

3: Debbie's School Portrait

4: Diane's Orthodontics

5: Maxine's Bridal Blowout

6: Frances' Babysitting Woes

7: Sisters Roughing It

8: Susan's Last Picture

Shoot me an email at with your address if you're interested in becoming a part of The Good Moment. I'll mail you out your first photo (sort of like doing one of those Sally Struthers help-a-kid programs) so you can get started.

Keep the dream alive!

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