On a day in the summer of 2008, a small number of explorers will converge early in the morning at the spot where the Chicago River meets Lake Michigan. From there they will explore the river and the areas surrounding its banks by making a trek on foot away from the river’s ending toward its unseen origin. These curious journeyers will document their voyage in whatever way they see fit, noting whatever details, large or small, that strike them. For the moment the structure of this project will remain relatively open; the constants are simple: the day, the intent of discovery, and the river.
The results of this expedition will culminate in an exhibition, performance, or some other form of presentation that will best represent the work that results from the participants’ observations.
Please email me at den.webber@gmail.com let me know if you are interested in taking part in this project or know anybody else who might be as well.

Please email me at den.webber@gmail.com let me know if you are interested in taking part in this project or know anybody else who might be as well.
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